033-2427-2700/2726/2727 office@rkmvnarendrapur.org | rkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com | officerkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com (Office)


Donations to Ramakrishna Mission are exempt from Income-Tax under section 80G(5)(vi) of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 vide approval no. AAAAR1077PF2014 dated 28/05/2021 , which is valid till 31/03/2026.
50% of donation amount is allowed as deduction from total income ,under section 80G(1)(ii) read with section 80G(4) .
* Kindly fill the form given below with correct information

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Email : *
Phone : *
Address :*
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Pincode : *
Country : *
If Alumni, year of passing :
PAN No. :*

Online donations can be made for multiple purposes. Kindly select one or more of the purpose, for which you wish to donate. Kindly fill in the amount of donation against the selected purpose.


ENDOWMENT / SCHOLARSHIP (For contribution of Rs.10,000 or more)
(The amount will be deposited in long term deposits and interests thereon will be used for the purpose mentioned)

I wish to create an Endowment/Scholarship out of my donation

  • Rs:
  • It will be in the name of
  • Specify purpose :

Please Note:

  • The amount to be donated should be filled in Indian Rupees. For international donors, the corresponding amount will be deducted automatically in your respective currencies.
  • For Donors in India all donations are exempted from Income Tax under section 80G(5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act., 1961, vide order number DIT(E)/848/8E/109/69-70 dated 12.01.2009 which has been further extended in perpetuity by letter number DIT(E)/2923/8E/109/69-70 dated 26.09.2011 from the Director of Income Tax (Exemption) Kolkata. Our Income Tax PAN is AAAAR1077P.
  • Money receipt with a copy of Income Tax exemption certificate will posted to the donor in India within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the donation.
  • For Donations made from outside India, electronic version of the receipt would be sent.
  • Donation Amount should be more than Rs 1000.